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Why is my web site, url, banner ad, or text ad banned?

There are several reasons that a website or ad can be either Suspended (a temporary ban that can be corrected by the person who submitted the website or ad) or placed on a Permanent Ban.

Examples of Suspensions include: the url is not secured (begins with http:// instead of https://), the site or ad will not load within 30 seconds, a site or ad that is not showing within our surf bar frame even if it appears normal otherwise, the page is too large (there are over 200,000 characters of text on the page which includes visible text and programming text that may be hidden from view), or there is no content on the page, even if it only contains a top bar it must have additional content to pass review.

General categories for permanent bans include: Non-English language content, a PTP, a HYIP or other illegal content, adult content, promotes gambling, freezes the surf browser, is or contains a virus and/or does not pass a virus check, is a frame breaker, is on an untrusted rotator (a rotator that contains any site that violates a temporary or permanent ban).


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